Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Painted Leaf Begonia - Begonia picta

Begonia picta - Himalaya India
Common name: Painted Leaf Begonia
Hindi: पत्थरचट्टा - Pattharchatta - Mizo: Lalruangaarawhna - Nepali: मगर काँचे Magar kanche
Botanical name: Begonia picta
Family: Begoniaceae (Begonia family)

Painted Leaf Begonia is a common begonia of the Himalayas. It is a tuberous herb, 10-18 cm tall. Leaves are few, 4-12 cm long, 3.5-10 cm wide, broadly ovate, doubly toothed, base heart- shaped, tip long-pointed. Upper leaf surface is hairy, lower hairy on veins. Leaves are often blotched purple or variegated, hence the common name. Leaf stalk is 3-10 cm, hairy. Light pink flowers are borne elevated above the leaves. Male flower have 4 petals, outer ones 1.2 x 2 cm, nearly round to broadly ovate, obtuse, pink; inner petals 3 x 8 mm, oblong, pink-white. Stamens are numerous. Female flower have 5 petals, 8-12 mm long, ovate-oblong. Styles are 3, persistent. Capsule is pendulous, 7-20 mm long, 3-winged; wings pointing upwards, green, unequal, 3-8 mm, 7-20 mm and 7-25 mm broad, all velvety. Flowering: August-September.
A tuberous rooted species growing from rock crevices and mud ledges. dormant in winter. New growth starts from late spring and produces beautifully colour leaves. Flowers throughout summer with clusters of showy deep pink flowers. A form with plain green leaves also exists.
Locally known as makkar-kajay.
Habitat: Eastern Himalayas in shaded ledges, along roadsides and among humus filled rock crevices.
Ethnobotany: The succulent petioles are sour and are used locally for making pickle.

thanks to www.flowersofindia.com